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Cotton Mutton

Cotton Mutton

Worth 價值
HKD 450 - 660

Cotton Mutton Coffee Beans of Customer's Choice (3 Bags)

Cotton Mutton自選咖啡豆 (三包)

Details 詳情

Cottonmutton 是一間香港本地咖啡烘焙公司,烘焙風格會以烈火輕焙的方式去呈現淺烘焙的咖啡豆,風味會以酸甜為主,儘量壓抑苦度,令大家可以輕鬆飲到淺烘焙柔和既風格。

Terms 條款 

- Cotton Mutton會將獎品郵寄至獲獎者。獲獎者不需要支付郵費。Cotton Mutton will mail the prize to the winner. The winner does not need to cover the mailing fees.

- 請在與Cotton Mutton確認獎品時出示您的Gafe U帳戶ID。Please present your Gafe U account ID before confirming with Cotton Mutton your prize collection.

- 如果對兌換有任何問題,可以直接經Cotton Mutton Instagram帳戶溝通 (@cottonmutton)。For any questions regarding your gifts redemption, you are encouraged to communicate directly with the Cotton Mutton through their Instagram account (@cottonmutton).

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